Colin Barry

What Makes an Outstanding [Investor] Presentation (15.390, Monday, Week 14)


Consider the audience.
Customers? Potential employees or partners? Investors? Influencers (press, analysts, etc.)?

Tell a story with real people. Make it graphic. Base it on your customer persona.
If possible, use props. (Multimodal sensory integration, Heath's "Made to Stick")

Every investor presentation has three points.
(1) Huge market opportunity
(2) Proprietary, patented solution AND great team
(3) Just need $500K

Start with the story, not with the team.
"I know your mother told you to always introduce yourself, but I'm going to tell you something different." -- Bill Aulet

Hide most details away in the appendix. Anticipate questions; have a backup slide for them.

The best thing you can do in a presentation is stand out.
"Knock people out of homeostasis."

Own a buzzword.
Examples: "inbound marketing" (Hubspot) or "social commerce" (Curisma)

Actual evidence, real results, signed contracts, "Public beta: 8K users," etc.