Colin Barry

JuicyStar07 (CSN, Wednesday, Week 13 [Pt 2])


"The first 500 fans were a lot harder to get than the next 500,000." -- Blair Fowler, YouTube celebrity

How did Blair Fowler and her sister become YouTube beauty fashionistas from their bedroom in Tennessee?
Blair: first-mover advantage.
In summer 2008, there were only four people putting beauty tutorials on YouTube. Last year, there were about 100,000 people on YouTube with four or more beauty videos.
"We could've been blogging about paper airplanes and there would've been people watching."
[Maybe, I think she's ridiculously savvy]

Why is Blair successful?
Her content is "not just straight make-up videos --- people feel like I'm letting them into my life."

Tips on acquiring a massive followership:
-- Related your content to Twitter trending topics; post to Twitter under a trending hashtag
-- Figure out how to get people to send viral e-mails linking to your content. Run contests?

How much work does she actually do?
"One [ten-minute] video takes me one day, like from morning until night."
"I try to do one per two days."
Yeah, she works pretty hard, too...