Colin Barry

Nike+ (CSN, Wednesday, Week 13)


What is cool and different about Nike?
-- Online social networking intended to drive real, physical, offline behavior.
-- They built an entirely new hardware product category around social stuff. Real commitment to non-traditional marketing, consistent branding, etc.

=> One of the few (so far) social networks where participation requires you to buy a physical good.
=> Friend elements: share to Facebook (Motivation!), run with your friends --- virtually, games, compare workouts with friends/compete
=> Meet elements: Grid/community of runners (stop by a Nike store at 7am sometime...)

Realistically, digital strategy is not a totally separate thing from social strategy for most firms. And they do some really cool digital stuff too:

"Write the Future"/Football (soccer) contests: make a page about how great you are at soccer and get people to vote for you
=> Nike gets tens of thousands of people to upload videos of themselves playing soccer. Video is absolutely the hardest "write" to elicit --- how many times have you posted to YouTube?
=> Nike somehow convinces 100K people to make brand-oriented Facebook fan pages. How is this possible? How much would you have to pay to get 100K people to make individual fan sites for your brand? Or, you could just run a contest...